Thursday, June 20, 2013

I Meet with Jesus Every Morning on an Important Business Matter

I know this sounds crazy...but I meet with Jesus Every Morning on an important business matter.

Well, here's the whole story. I guarantee you will want to hear what happened.

June 20th, 2013, 8:30 AM Central Standard Time

While in the shower this morning I heard the Voice of Jesus Christ:

"Sell(bet the market will go down) the Wall Street 30 Daily 4:15 14910 Contract." 

Today the Dow dropped 354 points down.

Our particular contract was 207 points in the money!

He said to me:

"Son, I want you to give up your 40 years of trading experience.

  Use your charting skills only by the the order I will give you.
  Your sole reliance will be to hear My Voice.

  You will not be involved in predicting the market direction, 
  using charting skills, listening to the "experts" on CNBC.

  You will listen only to My Voice.   

  I will meet with you between 8 AM and 8:15 AM Central Time
  and give you the specific Buy or Sell Signal."

  Now my only task is to listen to the Voice of the Lord Jesus!

  The burden of all the work to trade has now been lifted from 

 Therefore, at precisely 8 AM Central Standard Time,
 and No Later than 8:15 Central Standard Time,

 I will listen for His Voice, (and the Voice of No Other)and send   
 them to you every trading day.

Amen, God's Will will be done.

Be sure to come to the call Monday Night. 

More will be revealed.

To Those who Have Ears to Hear, Hear!

Mr. P

Dial 530 881 1300

Participant Code 849 443

Playback Number: 530 881 1399

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