Friday, December 13, 2013

Nadex Binary Options Trading Signals|Free Trade and Training Recap 12-13-2013

Here is your FREE Nadex Binary Options Trading Signals Recap 12-13-2013 ANOTHER WINNING TRADE!

Are you looking for an easy, simple way to trade the New Nadex Binary Options Trading Platform?

Hello, I'm Richard Peter, Master Trader with over three decades of trading in all the markets.

My Special Field of expertise is in the Index Futures Markets, more espcially the

Dow Mini

The Russell 2000

The S&P 500

And the Nasdaq 100.

But the problem I had when I started was the lack of training. The Master Traders were too busy managing their accounts, and had little or no interest in helping any newcomer. And, the few that did, wanted $10,000 and up to "look over their shoulder."

Well, about 7 months ago I founded a Company offering actual, live, real time Nadex Binary Options Trading Signals in the new Nadex Binary Options Exchange. I'll share more later about why I chose that platform, but for now I would like You to be honest with yourself with these questions I am about to ask.

What if you could receive Live, Real Time Nadex Binary Options Trading Signals sent to your Smart Phone that would mirror exactly what I am doing on the trading floor, would that be of interest to you? I'm not talking about just "looking over my shoulder" but live, real time Nadex Binary Options Trading Signals that reflect EXACTLY what I am doing with my own money in REAL TIME on the Nadex Binary Options Trading Platform.

What if you could receive Daily Recaps of the exact Nadex Binary Option Trading Signals Winning Trades so you could "picture" in your mind why I made the decision to send it to you in "real time."

And, what if I were to reveal to you my exact money management system where with only one winning trade, the worst case scenario would be that you would break even, would that get your attention?

Let me give you an example:

Nadex allows you to open your account with as little as $100.

My Nadex Binary Option Trading Signals comes to you in real time telling you that I have bought the Russell 2000 Mini Futures Contract at the Strike Price of 1128. And, sure enough, at 4:15, the Nadex closed trading at the 1130 strike price, putting you in the money and awarding you a 100% Return on every contract you bought at the $50 price I instructed you to pay on your smart phone.

How did you know to buy that Contract? Did you have to sit at home all day and night staring at your computer?

Or did you make the wise decision to subscribe to my Nadex Binary Options Trading Signals sent to you in "real time."

So, let's see, hmmmm.

My $100 has turned into $200 on the very first trading day.

So, I take that $100 out, use it to pay my bills at home, and gamble with the other half, the $100 I just won of other peoples money.

Now, when I win again, (using Richard's Nadex Binary Options Trading Signals) my Nadex Account grows to $200 on Day 2, $400 on Day 3, $800 on Day 4, $1600 on Day 5. Each time I win, I withdraw 50% at the end of each trading day and gamble the other 50% of "house money" making me a Winner even though I might lose a day during the trading week.

Folks, it just doesn't  get any better.

Go to my Website:

Go to the Checkout Page

Look for the Face of George Washington


Help me help You to secure your family's financial security and build a lasting legacy for you Family's generations to come.

Mr. P....the Creator of Nadex Binary Options Trading Signas, and Master Trader

P.S. I am not endorsed by Nadex in any way, shape, form. Trading is a risky business, bet no more than you can afford to lose. No guarantee is made in any way that by subscribing to Nadex Binary Options Trading Signals that you will win. But I do say with confidence and the massive investment I make each month in state of the art trading charts,( and over 30 years of knowing how to read them) that I can put the "odds in your favor."

Oh, I almost forgot, If you want some FREE TRAINING and COACHING on how to place winning trades on the
Nadex Binary Options Trading Platform(I'm not affiliated with Nadex at all, just a Day Trader like you)
I'd be happy to help....just fill out the form below:


Thursday, June 20, 2013

I Meet with Jesus Every Morning on an Important Business Matter

I know this sounds crazy...but I meet with Jesus Every Morning on an important business matter.

Well, here's the whole story. I guarantee you will want to hear what happened.

June 20th, 2013, 8:30 AM Central Standard Time

While in the shower this morning I heard the Voice of Jesus Christ:

"Sell(bet the market will go down) the Wall Street 30 Daily 4:15 14910 Contract." 

Today the Dow dropped 354 points down.

Our particular contract was 207 points in the money!

He said to me:

"Son, I want you to give up your 40 years of trading experience.

  Use your charting skills only by the the order I will give you.
  Your sole reliance will be to hear My Voice.

  You will not be involved in predicting the market direction, 
  using charting skills, listening to the "experts" on CNBC.

  You will listen only to My Voice.   

  I will meet with you between 8 AM and 8:15 AM Central Time
  and give you the specific Buy or Sell Signal."

  Now my only task is to listen to the Voice of the Lord Jesus!

  The burden of all the work to trade has now been lifted from 

 Therefore, at precisely 8 AM Central Standard Time,
 and No Later than 8:15 Central Standard Time,

 I will listen for His Voice, (and the Voice of No Other)and send   
 them to you every trading day.

Amen, God's Will will be done.

Be sure to come to the call Monday Night. 

More will be revealed.

To Those who Have Ears to Hear, Hear!

Mr. P

Dial 530 881 1300

Participant Code 849 443

Playback Number: 530 881 1399

Saturday, June 15, 2013

            Final Payment Guidelines for Receiving Nadex Trading Signals

Date: June 14th, 2013, Friday.

It is expressly understood and agreed to by Gold Money Party
and its valued customers:

1. Gold Money Party is NOT AFFILIATED with Nadex. Nadex is merely the trading platform used by Gold Money Party and its
Founder, Richard Petersen. I am NOT a registered representative, employed by Nadex in any way shape or form, and I am NOT compensated by Nadex at all, nor am I selling investments in any way, or being compensated by an Invesment Broker in any way.

Treat them as if I were giving them to you over lunch (just two friends talking and sharing)...for that is EXACTLY the signals "educated" guess about the market direction from an experienced and successful trader.

2. Our signals are given via Text and Email, and once sent, and verified sent by Trumpia,(our third party company that forwards signals to your cell phones and emails,)are not guaranteed to arrive on your phones and inbox.

We will do our best to help you receive all signals in real time, but we cannot be held responsible if your carriers and email accounts are blocking them in any way, or it becomes technically difficult or impossible to send them to you and your particular carriers.

3. Our Signals are NOT guaranteed to produce winnning trades, but are merely the expression and reflection of my own best judgment. Trading is a risky business. Bet no more than you can afford to lose.

4. The price for the signals is set at $150 per monthy. Your renewal is charge automatically. For example, if you order the signals on June 14th, 2014 your next bill will be automatically charge on July 14, 2014. You may CANCEL at any time, but there are NO PARTIAL REFUNDS. You must give 10 days written notice via email to: and you will not be charge for the FOLLOWING OR ANY SUBSEQUENT MONTHS!

5. There is a 30% surcharge on winning signals sent to you 4/5  5/5 trading days. Here is an example of how to compute them:

Day 1 $100 becomes $200

Day 2 $200 becomes $400 Day 3

 $400 becomes $800 Day 4

 $800 becomes $1600.

$1,600 multiplied by .30 is $480 to be wired directly to the Gold Money Party
Business Account:

Gold Money Party
Chase Bank
6251 Greenville Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75206
Phone: 214 360 2027
Routing Number: 111 000 614
Account Number: 929 596 310

Should We Win the 5th Signal, NO FURTHER surcharge will be applied to the 5th winning signal!

6. It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED that you withdraw your "seed money" e.g. your $110 deposit or whatever it might be as soon as practical. If you lose, it's "house money" and not money earned by your hard labor.

7. There will be only one more "free signal" given on Monday June 24th, 2013 out of fairness to all of our paying customers.

After the close of business on Monday, all of you who wish to continue to receive the signals need to go to the Master Website:

And go to the checkout page.

Press the George Washington button to set up your monthly $150 recurring billing.
As most of you know, today was a losing day. The market did not come in to "buy the low prices" at the end of the day.

But that one loss comes AFTER 4 days of wins, with one No Trade Day.

I have added another chart to my arsenal that tracks the prices of the Dollar Versus Yen.
It co-relates and matches the performance of the S&P 500 candle for candle.

The benefit to us is that we will get a three to six hour "peek" into the future of the US markets by following the movement of the Japanese Yen in relationship to the US major indexes.

Every time I lose, I treat that as a learning opportunity that forces me back to the drawing table to further improve the predictive accurancy of the charts (now numbering 17) that I use in my own trading and am sharing with you.

Be sure to come to the conference call Monday Night 9PM Central Standard Time for some more exciting announcements:

Dial 530 881 1300

Participant Code 849 443#

Playback Number 530 881 1399

If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail at:
Mr. P