Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Is The Federal Reserve Bank Discussed Fully In The Debates?

Hello, this is Richard Peters, Founder of the Gold Money Party.

I know many of you are listening carefully to the candidates of the Republic Party engage in public debate.

Have you noticed something VERY PECULIAR?

After dozens of public nationally televised debates, NOT ONCE has the question of the Federal Reserve Banking System and its monopoly of the American Economy been fully explored. Even Ron Paul, the champion of honest money, is never allowed to fully explore in the national debates the benefits of a recall of soon to be worthless Federal Reserve notes, and their immediate replacement with a New American Currency, The American Dollar, backed by silver and gold, or a combination thereof.

Neither Ron Paul or any other serious candidate for the President of the United States, Republican, Democratic, Independent, Third Party here in the United States never fully explore inner working of the Federal Reserve Bank in public televised debates for one reason---the Moderators will not allow ANYONE to do so. The Moderators NEVER raise the question of the Federal Reserve banking system to the candidates so that they can share with the American People their view on the Federal Reserve Bank and is dictatorial rule of the United States economy.

And, EVEN FURTHER, since the entire free world has adopted the fractional reserve banking system in one form or another, the exclusion of public discussion at the times when national offices are at stake in Europe is very peculiar indeed.

My simple question is WHY? Is this a vast conspiracy? No, it is public and open, and We the People of the United States, indeed the entire so called developed world, have been brainwashed into joining into the most heinous currency system in the history of mankind: fractional reserve banking using fiat currencies backed by nothing but hot air.

Our families pay usurious interest to buy homes, and are FORCED BY LAW to pay back those loans INTEREST FIRST, with just a TINY AMOUNT being credited to PRINCIPAL REPAYMENT!

Let me give you an example that will wake you out of a DEEP HYPNOTIC SLEEP My Fellow Americans! By the way, that universal hypnosis has been going on now since 1913 when Woodrow Wilson, in my view, committed high treason when he handed over control of our currency to a private banking cartel.

Okay, let’s see how this works. You (or your child or grand-child) visits your bank to make a $100,000 loan at, let’s say 5% interest. The bank approves you, transfers the money to the Title Company payable in your favor. Then the bank is rewarded by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and given $900,000 in “credits” backed by nothing to loan out to the next victim!And, the “friendly neighborhood bank” does no physical labor to earn the money they loan to you. It’s the simple press of a computer key.

Under this oppressive system, it takes an average of 23 years to even start making payments on the principal amount of the loan. When the Gold Money Party comes to Power, We the People would make it Federal Law that banks would offer the People’s Loan that will require a credit OF AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF BOTH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON THE VERY FIRST MONTH THE MORTGAGE IS MADE! 

Under this new law Americans would be home owners in 12 years or less, instead of being evicted and thrown out on the streets because they could not make payments of LARGELY INTEREST on COUNTERFEIT MONEY!

Yes, I said COUNTERFEIT! Oh I hear many of you saying, NO, Richard, our federal reserve notes are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. OH REALLY! We’re a bankrupt Nation, folks! We’ve printed out of nothing borrowed 15 TRILLION DOLLARS of debt that we will never be able to repay, nor will our children, or grand children. Out future generation, if this satanic system is allowed to continue, will be sleeping under bridges, culverts, and public toilets!

Is this the kind of future you want for your children and grand children? Is this the kind of America you want our thousands of young boys and girls defending our Nation at home and abroad, many of whom return home in body bags or maimed for life? I DON’T THINK SO!

So, what are We the People of the United States going to do to solve this? How can we return our currency to the Gold and Silver standard when America was experiencing explosions of growth, and not even the prospect of inflation?

Should we join a Third Party? No, all Third Parties have failed miserably!

What we’re going to do is join Gold Money Party, America’s first SELF FUNDED political party.
How is this different from the Republic and Democratic Party, or, for that matter any political movement in this history of mankind?

Well, first and foremost, our TOTAL FOCUS right now is to put the Federal Reserve Bank under the control of the U.S. Treasury, recall all these worthless Federal Reserve Notes, burn them in a National Bonfire of Freedom, and re-issue a NEW UNITED STATES DOLLAR backed by silver and gold.

Next, we are going to SELF FUND the Gold Money Party among Ourselves in either Silver and Gold, or we will use, for the sake of convenience, Federal Reserve Notes (until we get them burned and abolished) DIRECTLY LINKED to the spot price of Silver and Gold, estimated by many to be upward of $5, 000 per ounce as the fiat currencies of the world begin to self-destruct.

We will earn our money by selling memberships in the Gold Money Party.
And We the People will use our money (backed by Silver and Gold if we choose that option) to fund WRITE IN CAMPAIGNS of our endorsed candidates in the primaries of all 50 State when the Presidency of the United States is about to change.

We will work with FOCUS AND ENERGY, NEVER TIRING, NEVER BEING DISCOURAGED, FOR AS MANY YEARS AS NECESSARY, so that the next President of the United States will win that high office as the candidate of The Gold Money Party using the INFINITE WEALTH IT HAS CREATED AMONG THEMSELVES to be used to change their lives, and the future of the American Republic.

Won’t you help me take the United States out of the evil matrix of the Federal Reserve System? If you will not do this for yourself, will you do this TODAY for your family, your children, and your grand children?

Richard Peter
Gold Money Party


Why Is The Federal Reserve Bank Discussed Fully In The Debates?

Hello, this is Richard Peters, Founder of the Gold Money Party.

I know many of you are listening carefully to the candidates of the Republic Party engage in public debate.


Have you noticed something VERY PECULIAR?

After dozens of public nationally televised debates, NOT ONCE has the question of the Federal Reserve Banking System and its monopoly of the American Economy been fully explored. Even Ron Paul, the champion of honest money, is never allowed to fully explore in the national debates the benefits of a recall of soon to be worthless Federal Reserve notes, and their immediate replacement with a New American Currency, The American Dollar, backed by silver and gold, or a combination thereof.

Neither Ron Paul or any other serious candidate for the President of the United States, Republican, Democratic, Independent, Third Party here in the United States never fully explore the inner working of the Federal Reserve Bank in public televised debates for one reason---the Moderators will not allow ANYONE to do so. The Moderators NEVER raise the question of the Federal Reserve banking system to the candidates so that they can share with the American People their view on the Federal Reserve Bank and is dictatorial rule of the United States economy.

And, EVEN FURTHER, since the entire free world has adopted the fractional reserve banking system in one form or another, the exclusion of public discussion at the times when national offices are at stake in Europe is very peculiar indeed.

My simple question is WHY? Is this a vast conspiracy? No, it is public and open, and We the People of the United States, indeed the entire so called developed world, have been brainwashed into joining into the most heinous currency system in the history of mankind: fractional reserve banking using fiat currencies backed by nothing but hot air.

Our families pay usurious interest to buy homes, and are FORCED BY LAW to pay back those loans INTEREST FIRST, with just a TINY AMOUNT being credited to PRINCIPAL REPAYMENT!

Let me give you an example that will wake you out of a DEEP HYPNOTIC SLEEP My Fellow Americans! By the way, that universal hypnosis has been going on now since 1913 when Woodrow Wilson, in my view, committed high treason when he handed over control of our currency to a private banking cartel.

Okay, let’s see how this works. You (or your child or grand-child) visits your bank to make a $100,000 loan at, let’s say 5% interest. The bank approves you, transfers the money to the Title Company payable in your favor. Then the bank is rewarded by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and given $900,000 in “credits” backed by nothing to loan out to the next victim!

And, the does no physical labor to earn the money they loan to you. It’s the simple press of a computer key.

Under this oppressive system, it takes an average of 23 years to even start making payments on the principal amount of the loan. When the Gold Money Party comes to Power, We the People would make it Federal Law that banks would offer the People’s Loan that will require a credit OF AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF BOTH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON THE VERY FIRST MONTH THE MORTGAGE IS MADE! Under this new law, instead of being evicted and thrown out on the streets because they could not make payments of LARGELY INTEREST on COUNTERFEIT MONEY, Our Children and Grand Children Will Own Their Own Homes in 12 Years  or Less!!!

Yes, I said COUNTERFEIT! Oh I hear many of you saying, NO, Richard, our federal reserve notes are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. OH REALLY! We’re a bankrupt Nation, folks! We’ve printed out of nothing borrowed 15 TRILLION DOLLARS of debt that we will never be able to repay, nor will our children, or grand children. Out future generation, if this satanic system is allowed to continue, will be sleeping under bridges, culverts, and public toilets!

Is this the kind of future you want for your children and grand children? Is this the kind of America you want our thousands of young boys and girls defending our Nation at home and abroad, many of whom return home in body bags or maimed for life? I DON’T THINK SO!

So, what are We the People of the United States going to do to solve this? How can we return our currency to the Gold and Silver standard when America was experiencing explosions of growth, and not even the prospect of inflation?

Should we join a Third Party? No, all Third Parties have failed miserably!

What we’re going to do is join Gold Money Party, America’s first SELF FUNDED political party.
How is this different from the Republic and Democratic Party, or, for that matter any political movement in this history of mankind?

Well, first and foremost, our TOTAL FOCUS right now is to put the Federal Reserve Bank under the control of the U.S. Treasury, recall all these worthless Federal Reserve Notes, burn them in a National Bonfire of Freedom, and re-issue a NEW UNITED STATES DOLLAR backed by silver and gold.

Next, we are going to SELF FUND the Gold Money Party among Ourselves in either Silver and Gold, or we will use, for the sake of convenience, Federal Reserve Notes (until we get them burned and abolished) DIRECTLY LINKED to the spot price of Silver and Gold, estimated by many to be upward of $5, 000 per ounce as the fiat currencies of the world begin to self-destruct.

We will earn our money by selling memberships in the Gold Money Party.

And We the People will use our money (backed by Silver and Gold if we choose that option) to fund National Write In Campaigns of our endorsed candidates in the primaries of all 50 State when the Presidency of the United States is about to change.

We will work with FOCUS AND ENERGY, NEVER TIRING, NEVER BEING DISCOURAGED, FOR AS MANY YEARS AS NECESSARY, so that the next President of the United States will win that high office as the candidate of The Gold Money Party using the INFINITE WEALTH IT HAS CREATED AMONG THEMSELVES to be used to change their lives, and the future of the American Republic.

Won’t you join me in this peaceful revolution? Won’t you help me take the United States out of the evil matrix of the Federal Reserve System? If you will not do this for yourself, will you do this TODAY for your family, your children, and your grand children?


Richard Peter
Gold Money Party